Workflows: "live" Office Hours

As I’m figuring this out, here’s what works for me.
  1. Have course materials (weekly assignments, textbook with bookmarked pages, a blank Overleaf document) to hand.
    I have the luxury of a second monitor at home, so I pull up the assignments, etc. and tile that monitor with them so I can more easily share them on Zoom.
  2. Have a way of sharing a view of what I’m writing with students.
    I have the luxury of an iPad that I can use with a stylus to create a digital document while sharing its screen on Zoom.
  3. Post a summary of questions and answers to our online course space.
    Piazza is what I’m using – I was already using it before the online adventure to allow for asynchronous office hours, which I really like. Definitely going to use the iPad in regular office hours and keep this part of the workflow going.
  4. Record and (selectively) share the recordings with students.
    I feel weird about this part, so I have been editing the recordings down to just me to share with them. I need to get better at rephrasing their questions if I I plan to continue doing this.
    At times, I stop the recording to do a more personal check-in with students if there are only a few of us there. And then I forget to record again. A nice hack: put a post-it on your computer screen/keyboard/mouse to remind you to start recording again when it’s business time.
Written with StackEdit.

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